Privacy Policy
At Quilt Basket, we are committed to ensuring your privacy as a customer. You can be confident that we do not sell or exchange names, or any other information about you, our online customers.
Our order form asks you to supply us with information specific to your order. The information that you provide is used to process and send your order and to contact you if there is a problem with your order. Quilt Basket does not sell or share your name, address, phone number, email address, or any other personal information, with any other company.
At Quilt Basket, we are committed to ensuring your privacy as a customer. You can be confident that we do not sell or exchange names, or any other information about you, our online customers.
Our order form asks you to supply us with information specific to your order. The information that you provide is used to process and send your order and to contact you if there is a problem with your order. Quilt Basket does not sell or share your name, address, phone number, email address, or any other personal information, with any other company.